Tuesday, April 15, 2008

U.S. Government Supports And Funds Polygamy

Does this surprise anyone? The polygamist sect on which the feds have exerted much physical and verbal effort lately has been the recipient of "a nearly $1 million loan from the federal government and $1.2 million in military contracts" via an associated business, including "preferential no-bid or 'sole source' contracts because of the company's classification as a small business," according to McClatchy.

Now for the punch line: "U.S. Rep. Kay Granger, the Fort Worth Republican who sits on the House Appropriations Committee that deals with issues of defense, military and homeland security, said she is surprised that the federal government is doing business with a group accused of mistreating women and children." Yeah, she should be shocked! I mean, our government would never do business with people like Saddam Hussein, the House of Saud, Hosni Mubarak, Osama bin Laden, and others "accused of mistreating women and children"!

Once again Uncle Sam builds up an entity at taxpayers' expense and then turns around and soaks the taxpayers again to undo the damage, yet people continue to express surprise each time a new case like this emerges.

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