Thursday, October 9, 2008

Never Again Will You Send A Drunk Email...

OK, so most of us have sent an email that we later regretted. Being stressed, tired, angry, or drunk can lead to hitting that send button when we should just hit save and sleep on it. Now, for most of these circumstances, you’re still on your own but Google launched a new feature yesterday to help with late night drunk emails.

The idea is that when you’ve been partying, you’re less likely to be both willing and able to do some simple math problems. So if you enable Mail Goggles (yes, I spelled that right. It’s like beer goggles, but in reverse), Gmail will make you answer some math before you can send your email. By default, it’s active on weekend late nights since that’s when most people will need it. But if you do your partying in the afternoon, you can set it for any time of day.

I'm sure that there at least a few relationships that would have lasted longer if one of the people involved had had this tool. On the other hand, it might interrupt some booty calls and FWB situations. And of course, it won’t affect your drunk phone calls to your ex-lover or text messages of undying lust/like/love (if only they were legible). Right Amy? "Hamared."

If anyone out there tries this out, please let us know how it worked. Did it help your relationship? Or did it get in the way of a late night booty call?


Amy said...

Do they have this feature on cellphones now too? THAT is what I need...something to stop drunk texting.

The Minutiae King said...

I DO believe that Google is now into the cellphone business...Might be a GREAT idea for you to look into!!!