Saturday, September 6, 2008

McCain? Bush? Even Republicans Think They Are The Same!


In a slip of the lip echoing a misstatement 20 years ago, Lt. Gov. Ron Ramsey cast Tennessee's 55 votes at the Republican National Convention for "George S. McCain."

Ramsey, chairman of the delegation, said Friday that he was concentrating on the first part of his floor statement, wherein he recalled that George Bush in 2000 defeated Democrat Al Gore Jr. in Tennessee, then lapsed into an auctioneer's chant.

An auctioneer by profession, Ramsey spoke in a sing-song voice as if bidding up the number of votes to be cast for Tennessee for John McCain. At the end, he declared, "Tennessee casts 55 votes for George S. McCain."

"The ironic thing is that, back in 1988, Lamar Alexander, who was chairman of the delegation to the convention then, nominated 'Robert Bush' for president," said Ramsey.

He said Alexander told him at breakfast the day before the convention: "Don't do what I did."

"I told him, 'I don't think that will be a problem. I can remember his name.' "

Ramsey said relatively few people noticed his misstatement in naming the presidential nominee at the convention because "they were laughing or mesmerized by the auctioneer part."

The lieutenant governor said he was not especially unsettled by the experience.

"I think all 55 of them (votes) still counted, and that's what was important," he said.

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