Friday, June 6, 2008

John McCain: Slavemaster, Traitor

On May 22, 2008, Republiconman John McCain voted against supporting the U.S. military by voting against the new GI bill. McCain, who is running for "Commander-in-Chief" (not President) of the United States, says that the GI bill--that would pay for tuition and expenses at a four-year public university for anyone who spent three years in the military after 9/11--would hurt the military's efforts to retain its troops. Lord knows any military personnel who have suffered through the past 7 years of Bush administration debacles deserve aditional benefits.

Let me see if I understand this Mr. McCain. Since 9/11, the military has already had an increasingly difficult time meeting its recruitment quotas, right? So to make recruitment easier, instead of offering enticements, benefits, and rewarding those who enlisted since 9/11, John McCain feels that is more beneficial to the military to offer fewer benefits to those who have suffered through the Bush administration? Sound logical? Maybe there is something to that rumor that John McCain is suffering from PTSD. Or Alzheimer's disease.

Barack Obama took McCain to task by stating "I respect Senator John McCain's service to our country ... But I can't understand why he would line up behind the President in his opposition to this GI Bill. I can't believe he he believes it is too generous to our veterans." Good for you Senator Obama!

John McCain's response? "It is typical, but no less offensive, that Senator Obama uses the Senate floor to take cheap shots at an opponent and easy advantage of an issue he has less than zero understanding of. Unlike Senator Obama, my admiration, respect and deep gratitude for America's veterans is something more than a convenient campaign pledge."

Follow your own advise, John McCain, Mr. Commander-in-Chief wannabe. If you "admire, respect ... America's veterans," why not show it by supporting them and voting for the GI bill and not just giving veterans your lip service.

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